Archives for September 2020

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Staying Connected through Community Groups

Community Groups Tree

It is easy to feel isolated during the time of COVID. Yet it is so important to stay in touch with others and stay encouraged in our faith. Community Groups are a great way to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ. ACC Community Groups will be starting in October. The groups will meet by zoom and will run for 8 weeks, ending just before Thanksgiving. The groups wil...

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When I was in junior high, my mother taught me to spend some time every day reading the Bible. (Thanks, Mom!) But it was not until I was a young adult that I began the practice of working through the whole of Scripture over the course of a year. I have been doing this now for close to 30 years, and I have found it to be one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I...

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Learning, Living, Loving

John 17 Prayer

A 3-week sermon series at ACC, starting September 13, will focus on three aspects of the Christian life that we want to see happening more and more at our church. We want to be a church in which everyone is growing in their relationship with God, in which we are all equipped to lead lives that bring glory to Christ, and in which we relate to each other and to our neighbors...

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Growing in Our Knowledge of God

Core Christianity CE Class

This fall at ACC we are offering a 10-week course called "Core Christianity 101." The name of the class may sound like it is for beginners, but don't be fooled by the title. Though the class would be great for those new to the Christian faith, the material is far from simplistic. "Core Christianity" is based on a book by Dr. Michael Horton, professor of theology at Westmi...

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