Prayer Classics: Praying for a Godly Life

In my blog posts this week, I am quoting portions from some classic Christian writings on prayer.
Today’s quote comes from the writings of Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626), an Anglican bishop who served on the scholarly committee that produced the King James Version of the Bible. In this prayer, Andrews exhibits a deep passion for godliness in both his character and his behavior, a passion common to the Puritan movement in which he took part.
I lift up my hands into your commandments which I have loved. Open my eyes and I shall see, incline my heart and I shall desire, order my steps and I shall walk in the way of your commandments.
O Lord, be my God, and let there be no other before you. Grant me to worship you and serve you according to your commandments: with truth in my spirit, with reverence in my body, with the blessing upon my lips – both in private and in public.
Help me to show honor and submission to those who have been put over me. Help me to show affection for and care for those who have been put in my charge. Help me to overcome evil with good, to be free from the love of money, and to be content with what I have. Help me to speak the truth in love, to be desirous not to lust, or to walk after the lusts of my flesh.
O Lord, help me: To bruise the serpent’s head. To consider the end of my days. To cut off occasions to sin. To be sober. Not to sit idle. To shun the company of the wicked. To make a covenant with my eyes. To bring my body into subjection. To give myself to prayer. To come to repentance.
Hedge up my way, Lord, with thorns that I may avoid the false path of vanity. Hold me steady with the bit and the bridle so that I do not pull away from you. O Lord, compel me to come to you.
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