Time: Saturdays 10:00am-11:30AM AND Wednesdays 6:30 - 8PM
Place: Saturdays on Zoom and Wednesdays in person
Contact: Al Grey, QueensESL@gmail.com
The English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry seeks to share the love of Jesus Christ as we teach English and help acculturate first generation immigrants in our neighborhood.
As you walk the streets of Astoria, LIC, Sunnyside, etc. and see the many nationalities and hear the many languages spoken, it will come as no surprise to you that over 120 nationalities live in Astoria and 65% of our households speak a language other than English at home.
The English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry seeks to:
1. Teach English to first generation immigrants in our neighborhood
2. Help them acclimate to our culture, creating a friendly community in our classrooms
3. Provide them more opportunities for their life, education, and work in America
4. This is a simple way that the church can show God's love in a tangible way.
5. Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Leaders: Annette Scattoni and Al Grey and a team of volunteers
Service Opportunities: Consider joining the ESL volunteer team by assisting or co-teaching a trimester in the Fall, Winter or Spring. We will train you! If you have a love for all people and are more extroverted than introverted, then this ministry could be a good fit for you. If you would like to volunteer your time to this program, email Al Grey at QueensESL@gmail.com.