Place: 11th Street between 36th and 37th Avenues, in a large parking lot

Contact:  Miriam Tielmann,

Hour Children runs a food pantry for food-insecure people in our community. ACC has been volunteering at this food pantry since fall 2013. The last Thursday of every month, ACC volunteers help distribute food to the shoppers and help the staff and other volunteers clean up. Click here for a testimony from a volunteer. 

If you would like to donate money to the food pantry, click on the Hour Children Food Pantry page and click where it says donate on the top right of the screen. Under "Select a Campaign" there is a drop down menu, choose the "Hour Community Food Pantry" (fourth option down) and donate online. 

We also deliver leftover produce from a local CSA farm-share on a weekly basis. Additionally, we collect non-perishable donations for the pantry every week at our church services.

For more information about volunteering, contact

If you would like to receive food from Hour Children Food Pantry, they are open on Mondays from 2-4PM, Tuesdays from 10:30AM-12:30PM and Thursdays from 2-4PM.  The number is 718-482-8226 if you have further questions.

Leader: Andrea Mungo