Equipping our families to glorify God and enjoy Him forever 

Children's Ministry Mission:  To teach our children God's word, so they can live by it and bring him glory.

God's Seeds (ACC Infants & Tots): We offer Nursery services - babies to 3 year olds on Sunday mornings. Please drop off your children anytime after 10:15AM on the second floor.

Leaders: Annette Scattoni and Andrea Mungo
Location: 27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria, NY 11102
Contact:  admin@astoriachurch.org

God's Seedlings/Godly Play:  Children Age 3 - 5th Grade. We provide this Sunday school class about 30 minutes into the worship service. Children sit with their family in worship until dismissed to a teacher in the back of the sanctuary.

Leader: Annette Scattoni
Location: 27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria, NY 11102
Contact:  acckids@astoriachurch.org


ACC 6th - 12th Grade Youth

Time: Fridays @ 6:30pm (September - June)
Leader: George Dimitriadis
Location: Astoria First Art House 23-35 Broadway, Ground Floor Offices, btw 23rd and Crescent Streets, West Entrance

Contact: youth@astoriachurch.org

THE YOUTH GROUP NEEDS YOU: Do you enjoy working with youth? Would you like to serve the youth of ACC? We need more volunteers to assist the youth group beginning in mid September. The youth meet on Friday evenings from 6:30-8:30. You do not need to commit to every Friday. If you have one Friday a month to give, would you consider serving with us? If you are interested please reach out to George Dimitriaidis at youth@astoriachurch.org