The Promise of Renewal

Spiritual Renewal

It is often said that, because of the way human cells regenerate themselves, every seven to ten years we are completely new people. As it turns out, this is not exactly true, but the thought is compelling, nevertheless. Who isn’t attracted to the idea of being made new?

The Christian season of Lent is traditionally a time for believers to seek renewal – not renewal of our bodies but renewal of our souls and of our relationships with God. The scripture passages historically read in churches this time of year often speak about God’s desire to renew us, to draw us back to himself in repentance and to restore our sense of his presence in our lives.

Starting Sunday, February 21 and leading up to Easter, we will focus on Bible passages that address our need for spiritual renewal. Community Groups will be meeting online for six weeks to study these passages and to pray together for restoration from the Lord. We hope you will join us for worship (either in-person or by livestream). To join a Community Group during this season, click here.

As we pursue spiritual renewal, it is encouraging to know that God promises newness of life to those who seek it through his Son. No matter how dry or lifeless we may feel, we come to “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not” (Rom. 4:17). God can restore our hope, warm our hearts, heal our hurts, and revive our souls.

I hope you will join us for this season of seeking renewal from the Lord.