Archives for June 2018

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General Assembly 2018

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Every year the churches of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), send representatives to a nationwide General Assembly (GA). Last week, Jeffrey Choi and I travelled to Atlanta, where this year's meeting was held, to participate in the Assembly. A lot of important things happen at GA: decisions are made regarding the future of the church; reports ar...

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Rebuilding Ms. Marita's Home with 91 Other Churches

About a month ago, I received an email from a Deacon from a small PCA church in the inner-city of New Orleans asking for financial help for one of their members who had a recent house fire. He shared that their mercy fund had been depleted (from multiple requests that come in weekly) and this need was too much for them to shoulder alone. The couple lives on a meager income...

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Cigna health insurance company recently conducted a survey of over 20,000 people in the U.S. age 18 or older. They discovered what we all already knew a lot of people are lonely. The survey revealed that loneliness in our society has become epidemic. According to the research: Almost halfof Americans say they sometimes or always feel alone (46 percent) or excluded (...

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