Staying Connected through Community Groups

Community Groups Tree

It is easy to feel isolated during the time of COVID. Yet it is so important to stay in touch with others and stay encouraged in our faith. Community Groups are a great way to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ. 

ACC Community Groups will be starting in October. The groups will meet by zoom and will run for 8 weeks, ending just before Thanksgiving.

The groups will be studying the book of Colossians, a letter by the Apostle Paul that emphasizes the completeness we have in Christ and how our knowledge of that completeness can lead us to spiritual maturity.

There will be a group meeting on Sunday evening at 6:30PM (led by Gene Schmidt,, on Tuesday evening at 7:30PM (led by David Ellis), and on Wednesday evening at 7PM (led by Jeffrey Choi, There is also a weekday mom’s group (led by Wenjing Wu,

To join a Community Group, you can contact group leaders directly or email me at