Archives for November 2022

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New Creations In Christ


"All those the Father gives mewill come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." -- Jesus of Nazareth (John 6:37) There was once a teenager who was kicked out of his church youth group for being a bad influence on the other kids. There was once a young intellectual whose mother wept in prayer after he abandoned his Christian upbringing for a life of...

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Saving Christmas by Practicing Advent


In his humorous novel Skipping Christmas, John Grisham tells the story of Luther and Nora Krank, a middle-aged couple who are sick and tired of all the expense and bother involved in preparing for the holiday season. They calculate how much they normally spend on Christmas decorations, gifts, and food and realize that if they skip Christmas, they can afford to take a 10-da...

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Intercessory Prayer

Corporate Prayer

One of the ways that Christians engage in prayer is through the act of intercession making requests of God on behalf of others. Since Christians, by grace, have been brought into relationship with God, it is both our privilege and our responsibility to plead the cause of others before the Lord. 1 Timothy 2:1 lists our involvement in this kind of prayer as being of first i...

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The Living God

Living God

The writers of Scripture often referred to God as "the living God." What did they mean by this phrase? Was the idea merely that God is alive, that God exists. No. The meaning is much deeper than that. In the biblical mindset, to speak of "the living God" communicates the idea that God is present and active. God is not an aloof deity, removed from our struggles, indiffer...

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