Archives for July 2020

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Reopening Survey

Your Voice Matters

Hello ACC family and friends! The Reopening Taskforce has been meeting regularly and would like to invite you to complete the following survey. Please click here. In line with medical guidance and governmental guidelines, we are prayerfully preparing to restart in-person worship services in September. As we carefully plan the logistics of this experience for our communit...

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Six Reasons Not to Worry

Worry Post

Matthew 6:25-43 is probably the most well-known passage of the Bible that deals with the problem of anxiety. In these verses, Jesus gives us six reasons not to worry 1) Worry obscures what is most important in life. People tend to worry most over temporal issues finances, deadlines, the opinions of others. Stressing ourselves out over these things can make us forget mat...

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Secret But Not Unseen

Father Sees in Secret

If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? So goes the age-old metaphysical question. Does the occurrence of an event depend on it being perceived? I will leave it to philosophers to answer that one. But what I do know is that, when it comes to acts of kindness toward others or devotion toward God, no acts are unobserved. In...

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ACC Worship

Dear ACC Family, It has been wonderful to see the decline in the number of coronavirus cases in New York and to watch the civic and economic life of our city slowly begin to revive. It is encouraging to know that, God willing, the day is approaching when we will again gather physically to worship as a congregation. Last week our elders approved the formation of a "Re-ope...

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